Sometimes when I open a document, one of the following conditions occurs:
1. An alert is displayed that says, "Hyphenation exceptions, kerning tables, or tracking information in "XPress Data" have changed. Document may be reflowed."
2. An alert is displayed that says, "This document was built with other versions of some fonts. It will be reflowed using this System's fonts."
3. Text reflow occurs and no error message is displayed.
1. The first condition occurs when you open a document using a different XPress Data file than the one in use when the document was last saved. Each time you modify kerning or tracking tables (via the Tracking Edit and Kerning Table Edit commands in the Utilities menu), add hyphenation exceptions (via the Hyphenation Exceptions command in the Utilities menu), or create a frame using the Frame Editor program, the changes are stored in the XPress Data file.
If you don"t want the text to reflow, quit QuarkXPress before you work on the document. Place the XPress Data file that was in use when the document was last saved in the QuarkXPress program folder and remove the modified version of XPress Data. Then reopen the program and the document.
2. The second condition occurs when a screen font used in the document has been updated since the document was last saved. For example, font manufacturers occasionally release different versions of the same font. (Adobe, for example, has released multiple versions of Garamond and Goudy Old Style.) If any of the fonts in use when the document was last saved are a different release than the current screen fonts, this alert may be generated and text may reflow. This alert will also be generated if a kerning utility such as KernEdit has been used to modify any of the screen fonts since the document was last saved.
The second condition can also occur while you are entering text even if there have not been any changes made to the screen fonts. In this case, fonts used in the document may be damaged or improperly installed.
If the document was created using a version of QuarkXPress prior to version 3.0 subversion 3, Zapper 2.0A may fix the problem. Check to see which subversion you have by pressing the Option key and choosing About QuarkXPress from the Apple menu. The subversion number is displayed in the QuarkXPress Environment dialog box. If the subversion number is less than 3, call Quark Technical Support and request Zapper 2.0A.
If this alert is displayed frequently while working on a particular document, you should:
* Make sure all the fonts in your System are not damaged and are properly installed.
* Open the document, choose Fit in Window (View menu), and scroll through the document page by page. If the alert is displayed, click OK and continue scrolling. After you have viewed every page in the document, save the document.
* If the alert continues to be displayed while working on the document, contact Quark Technical Support.
3. If you modify any of the settings in the Typographic Preferences dialog box (Edit -> Preferences -> Typographic), text may reflow without warning. For example, if you change the Auto Leading value, all paragraphs with auto leading applied will be spaced according to the new value.
Quark, Inc. has made every effort to see that QuarkXPress works with third-party products. However, due to periodic updating by other manufacturers, we cannot warrant compatibility. Quark, Inc. also makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of FaxFacts. However, Quark, Inc. makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy of the information herein.